National Gca Nomination Form 2025
Form deadline: 2025-07-31 00:00:00
The GCA nomination is eligible to adolescent girls and young women below the age of 25 all over Uganda.
Are you an Adolescent Girl Champion or Do you know any Girl Champions in your community who are doing extra-ordinary work in all spheres of life, Here is an opportunity to nominate them for recognition in October as Uganda commemorates the International Day of the Girl Child.
These are 12 Award Categories up for nomination:
1. The Girl Champion of the Year: Recognizes candidates who demonstrate outstanding overall qualities in leadership, community involvement and passion to motivate and empower girls in their communities cutting across all sectors.
2. Girl Earth Award: Recognizes girl champions that have excelled through sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
3. Survivor Advocate Award: Recognizes survivor leaders who have used their platforms to advocate for the safety and protection of the girl child.
4. Girl Education Award: Recognizes candidates who have been instrumental in motivating and empowering girls in their communities through access to education and skills development.
5. Unique Abilities Award: Recognizes courageous girls and young women with disability that have braved up their inabilities to compete relatively in the social and economic sector.
6. SRHR Girl Champion Award: Recognizes candidates that are championing innovative sexual reproductive health and rights programs for the girl and young women in Uganda.
7. Girl Innovation Award: Recognizes Girl Champions who have gone an extra mile to create new ideas and products with an aim of socially and economically impacting self and society to live sustainable lives.
8. The SDG Champion Award: Recognizes candidates who are working to promote SDG Communication in Uganda.
A panel of Judges will make a special selection to award special individuals in society for their outstanding contributions towards the growth and developments of girls in Uganda. NB: Potential candidates in this category will not be required to apply.
9. Girl Lifetime Achiever s Award: Recognizes candidates who have demonstrated outstanding enthusiasm, vision and commitment in their endeavours to enhance and improve lives of girls throughout their lifetime.
10. Girl Sports Inspiration Award: Recognizes outstanding & inspiring girl champions who continue to inspire and positively impact other girls in their communities through sports.
11. Girl Master of Art Award: Recognizes candidates, who through their artistic endeavors, have inspired the larger population to respect, promote and protect the values of the girl child.
12. Media Girl Champion Award: Recognizes outstanding initiatives by girls in the media fraternity.
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